Raspberry Princess Bars
(Recipes are formulated for a half sheet pan – please adjust if you’re making a full or quarter sheet)
What you’ll need:
- 2 lbs.
- 8 oz. Ultra Moist Base (#3227382)
- 8 oz. unsalted butter (cold)
- 8 oz. chopped walnuts
- 8 oz. shredded coconut
- 2 lbs. raspberry filling (we recommend our Raspberry Turnover Filling, #5215096)
- 1 lb., 3 oz. Gourmet Butter Streusel (#3687412)
- 4 oz. shredded coconut
- 4 oz. chopped walnuts
- 2 oz. melted butter
What you’ll do:
- Put mix, walnuts and shredded coconut in bowl with paddle; mix on 1st speed until combined
- Add cold butter and mix until crumbly (butter chunks about pea-sized – about 3-5 minutes on 1st speed)
- Spray a half sheet with pan release and spread mixture in pan, pressing to the edges; place parchment paper
over the mixture and place another half sheet pan on top and firmly press down
- Soften raspberry filling in microwave (about 1 minute, stirring halfway through); spread filling evenly over
mixture in pan
- Create topping: combine all ingredients in mixer until crumbly
- Sprinkle topping over raspberry filling Bake at 350°F for 22-26 minutes, until golden brown

Peanut Butter and Jelly Bars
(Recipes are formulated for a half sheet pan – please adjust if you’re making a full or quarter sheet)
What you’ll need:
- 5 lbs. Ultra Moist Base (#3227382)
- 12 oz. unsalted butter(softened) 2 lbs., 12 oz. crunchy peanut butter
- 1 lb., 10 oz. of grape or other flavored jelly or jam
What you’ll do:
- Combine first three ingredients in bowl with paddle; mix until combined, but crumbly (1-3 minutes on 1st speed)
- Spray a half sheet with pan release and spread about 2/3 of the mixture in pan, pressing to the edges; place
parchment paper over the mixture and place another half sheet pan on top and firmly press down
- Spread jelly/jam over the mixture, topping completely Sprinkle remaining 1/3 of the mixture over the top
- Bake at 350°F for 22-28 minutes, until golden brown
- Alternate flavor: Chocolate Peanut Butter In place of jelly/jam, top first layer generously with chocolate chips
(about 1 lb., 8 oz.); finish with the remaining 1/3 mixture and bake.
- Try peanut butter chips, too! Cut into any size or shape and enjoy

Lemon Sunshine Bars
(Recipes are formulated for a half sheet pan – please adjust if you’re making a full or quarter sheet)
What you’ll need:
- 3 lbs., 8 oz. Ultra Moist Base (#3227382)
- 8 oz. unsalted butter(softened)
- 8 oz. shortening
- 6 oz. lemon icing fruit
- 2 lbs. lemon filling (we recommend our Lemon Pie Filling, #3227388)
- 8 oz. shredded coconut, if desired
What you’ll do:
- Add lemon icing fruit to the dry mix and mix until incorporated (about 1 min. on 1st speed)
- Add butter, shortening and coconut (if desired) and mix until crumbly (about 2-4 min. on 1st speed)
- Spray a half sheet with pan release and spread about 2/3 of the mixture in pan, pressing to the edges; place
parchment paper over the mixture and place another half sheet pan on top and firmly press down
- Note: for best results, use mixture from the top of the bowl for the first layer, reserving drier mixture for the
- Spread lemon pie filling over the mixture, topping completely
- Sprinkle remaining 1/3 of the mixture over the top Bake at 350°F for 22-28 minutes, until golden brown
- Cut into any size or shape and enjoy! Alternate flavors: try using cherry

All recipes found at www.bakenjoy.com